Tpr mcat practice test
Tpr mcat practice test

The phenomenon whereby an individual performs better on a task when being watched is known as social facilitation this explains why a soccer player might perform better when being watched by a large crowd (choice D is wrong). The phenomenon whereby people are less likely to provide needed help when they are in groups than when they are alone is known as the bystander effect this explains why an elderly woman who trips and falls in a busy street is aided by no one (choice B is wrong). The reduced group output in social loafing occurs because everyone assumes someone else in the group will put forth effort, so all of the individuals put forth less effort themselves this is different from an impaired performance resulting from a loss of coordination in a group of excellent rowers (choice A is wrong). Social loafing is the phenomenon whereby people exert less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work alone therefore, blindfolded individuals who shout louder when they are told that they will be shouting alone than they do when they are told that they will be shouting in a group best demonstrate social loafing (choice C is correct). While impulse-control problems may reflect a deficit in the executive system that regulates attention and behavior, the TTF heuristic is a strategy of deliberately choosing what comes to mind first, not a thoughtless or impulsive decision (choice D is wrong)Ĭ. Syllogistic reasoning is a systematic process of logical thinking such that if A is related to B in X way, and if C is an example of A, then C will also be related to B in X way (choice B is wrong). Furthermore, this approach to problem solving is not a prerequisite to the TTF heuristic, which simply requires a person to select the first option that comes to mind (choice A is wrong). Such an approach is only possible when one is presented with multiple options, not when one must generate those options. The representativeness heuristic is a strategy whereby a person chooses an option that appears most typical, or representative, of the solution. Similarly, the TTF heuristic entails one's use of information that comes immediately to mind (choice C is correct). For example, if people were asked whether there are more words with the letter "M" as the first letter than those with "M' as the fourth letter, they would likely respond that there are more words with "M" as the first letter this is the case simply because such words are more easily recalled. The availability heuristic is a problem-solving strategy whereby the most salient information seemingly applicable to a problem is selected to produce a solution. Similarly, insurance companies charging a higher premium for smokers could also be considered a form of stigmatization, but this choice does not demonstrate modeling of deviant behavior (choice D in wrong).

tpr mcat practice test

Deviant behavior, such as smoking, often is stigmatized both formally (through laws preventing smoking in certain places) and informally (through judgmental looks and comments from others) in US society, but this choice does not demonstrate modeling of deviant behavior (choice B is wrong). While both drug use and smoking are generally considered deviant behaviors in society, this choice does not demonstrate modeling of deviant behavior (choice A is wrong). If an individual observes his brother engaging in a deviant behavior (smoking), and then begins to engage in that behavior himself, this best demonstrates modeling of a deviant behavior (choice C is correct). This is also known as observational learning or vicarious learning. Modeling, according to social learning theory, occurs when an individual observes someone else's behavior and then behaves in a similar way. The "glass ceiling" refers to unofficial limits on women's advancement in the workplace and does not directly relate to their additional roles outside the workplace (choice D is wrong). Self-efficacy is Albert Bandura's term for an individual's feelings of capability regarding the accomplishment of a given task compounding one's roles would not increase self-efficacy in the workplace (choice A is wrong).

tpr mcat practice test

There is nothing to indicate that the "second shift" is the result of prejudice against working women (choice B is wrong).

tpr mcat practice test

Thus, the "second shift" could be understood as a cause of identity interference, which then constitutes a psychosocial stressor (choice C is correct). Identity interference is the principle that states that people experience stress when two aspects of their identity are in conflict. When the demands of these roles conflict in terms of time and energy, tension results.


By definition, women's "second shift" refers to an ongoing duality of roles (the role of a working professional and the role of the family caregiver).

Tpr mcat practice test